李 钦(华东师范大学)
时 间:2020年11月21日(星期六)14:00-17:30
地 点:重庆富力假日酒店 会议室1
时 间 |
主 题 |
讲 者 |
14:00-14:30 |
Deep Neural Networks: From Verification to Generalisation |
张立军, 中国科学院软件研究所 |
14:30-15:00 |
基于无梯度优化的神经网络对抗样本生成 |
卜磊,南京大学 |
15:00-15:30 |
Accelerating Robustness Verification of Deep Neural Networks with Lazy&Eager Falsification |
张民,华东师范大学 |
15:30-16:00 |
茶 歇 |
16:00-16:30 |
Verifying ReLU Neural Networks from a Model Checking Perspective |
刘万伟,国防科技大学 |
16:30-17:00 |
PAC Model Checking of Block-Box Continuous-Time Dynamical Systems |
薛白,中国科学院 软件研究所 |
17:00-17:30 |
深度神经网络的安全威胁与攻击实践 |
孟国柱, 中国科学院信息工程研究所 |
1. 张立军:Deep Neural Networks: From Verification to Generalisation
摘要:In this talk, we survey major techniques and tools for verifying deep neural networks, in particular, the notion of robustness for specifying safety properties. Moreover, we study the novel concept of weight correlation in deep neural networks and discusses its impact on the networks’ generalisation ability. We argue that weight correlation can improve generalisation of neural networks. Finally, we discuss how it can be intertwined with robustness to get reliable networks.
简介:Lijun Zhang is a research professor at State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS). He is also the director of the Sino-Europe Joint Institute of Dependable and Smart Software at the Institute of Intelligent Software in Guangzhou. Before this he was a postdoctoral researcher at University of Oxford, and then an associate professor at Language-Based Technology section, DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark. He gained a Diploma Degree and a PhD (Dr. Ing.) at Saarland University. His research interests include: probabilistic model checking, simulation reduction and decision algorithms, abstraction and model checking, learning algorithms, and verification of deep neural networks. He is leading the development of several tools including PRODeep for verifying neural networks, ROLL for learning automata, and the model checker ePMC, previously known as IscasMC.
2. 卜磊:基于无梯度优化的神经网络对抗样本生成
简介:卜磊 南京大学计算机科学与技术系教授,博士生导师。主要研究领域是软件工程与形式化方法,包括模型检验技术,实时混成系统,信息物理融合系统等方向。2010年在南京大学获取计算机博士学位。曾在CMU、MSRA、UTD、FBK等科研机构进行访学与合作研究。目前已在相关领域重要期刊与会议如TCAD、TC、TCPS、TPDS、RTSS、CAV等上发表论文五十余篇。入选中国计算机学会青年人才发展计划,微软亚洲研究院铸星计划,NASAC青年软件创新奖等。
3. 张民:Accelerating Robustness Verification of Deep Neural Networks with Lazy&Eager Falsification
摘要: Bad scalability is one of the challenging problems to the robustness verification of neural networks. In this talk, we will introduce a simple yet effective approach to accelerate the robustness verification by lazy\&eager falsification. In the approach, we divide the robustness verification problem into sub-problems with respect to target labels. Once the property is falsified for a specific label, we can safely conclude that the neural network is non-robust. The falsification is both lazy and eager. Being lazy means that a sub-problem is not falsified unless it has to and being eager means that the sub-problems that are more likely to be falsifiable have higher priority to falsify. We leverage symbolic interval propagation and linear relaxation techniques to determine the order of the sub-problems for falsification. Our approach is orthogonal to, and can be integrated with existing verification techniques. We integrate it with four state-of-the-art verification tools, i.e., MipVerify, Neurify, DeepZ, and DeepPoly. Experimental results show that our approach can significantly improve these tools, up to 200x speedup, when the perturbation distance is set in a reasonable range.
4. 刘万伟:Verifying ReLU Neural Networks from a Model Checking Perspective
摘要:Neural networks, as an important computing model, have a wide application in artificial intelligence (AI) domain. From the perspective of computer science, such a computing model requires a formal description of its behaviors, particularly the relation between input and output. In addition, such specifications ought to be verified automatically. ReLU (rectified linear unit) neural networks are intensively used in practice. In this paper, we present ReLUTemporal Logic (ReTL), whose semantics is defined with respect to ReLUneural networks, which could specify valuerelated properties about the network. We show that the model checking algorithm for the Σ2∪Π2 fragment of ReTL, which can express properties such as output reachability, is decidable in EXPSPACE. We have also implemented our algorithm with a prototype tool, and experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of the presented model checking approach.
简介:Wanwei Liu received his Ph.D degree in National University of Defense Technology in 2009, he is an associated professor in College of Computer Science, National University of Defense Technology. He is a senior member of CCF. His research interests include theoretical computer science (particularly in automata theory and temporal logic), formal methods (particularly in verification), and software engineering. His work has been published on TSE, ICSE, ASE, TACAS, IJCAI. His work acquires Gold prize (1st prize) in TACAS SV-Comp verification tool track multiple times.
5. 薛白:PAC Model Checking of Block-Box Continuous-Time Dynamical Systems
摘要:In this talk I will present a model checking approach to finite-time safety verification of black-box continuous-time dynamical systems within the framework of probably approximately correct (PAC) learning. The black-box dynamical systems are the ones, for which no model is given but whose states changing continuously through time within a finite time interval can be observed at some discrete time instants for a given input. The new model checking approach is termed as PAC model checking due to incorporation of learned models with correctness guarantees expressed using the terms error probability and confidence. Based on the error probability and confidence level, our approach provides statistically formal guarantees that the time-evolving trajectories of the black-box dynamical system over finite time horizons fall within the range of the learned model plus a bounded interval, contributing to insights on the reachability of the black-box system and thus on the satisfiability of its safety requirements. The learned model together with the bounded interval is obtained by scenario optimization, which boils down to a linear programming problem.
简介:Dr. Bai Xue is an associate research professor at State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences since November, 2017. He received the B.Sc. degree in information and computing science from Tianjin University of Technology and Education in 2008, and the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics from Beihang University in 2014. Prior to joining Institute of Software, he worked as a research fellow in the Centre for High Performance Embedded Systems at Nanyang Technological University from May, 2014 to September, 2015, and as a postdoc in the Department füer Informatik at Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg from November, 2015 to October, 2017.
6. 孟国柱:深度神经网络的安全威胁与攻击实践
简介:孟国柱,2017年博士毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学。于2018年9月加入中国科学院信息工程研究所任副研究员。曾获2019年ACM SIGSAC中国科技新星,获得过2018年CCF-A类会议ICSE最佳论文奖;相关研究工作已经在软件工程和信息安全领域的国际顶级会议和期刊如ICSE,FSE,ASE,ISSTA等发表超过30篇文章。研究领域包括人工智能系统安全与隐私,软件漏洞分析和检测,移动应用安全等。